About Us

Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (VDPL)
Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (VDPL) was initially incorporated as private limited company under the name and style of “Yenkay Medico Private Limited”, on 28 September 1998. The company thereafter changed its name to “Yenkey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Private Limited” on 18 January 1995. The company has become a public limited company on 03 February 1995 with “Yenkey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd”. Finally, the company has changed its name to “Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd” on 13 April 2009.
For the past six months focused on establishing chain of Medical Stores with a brand name as “Ananya Pharma” under the Venmax Drugs & Pharma Ltd, with the backing support of Formulations plant (Suzichem Labs).
So far Three Shops were established & planning to expand them to 50 numbers in and around Hyderabad.
The company is developing the oncology products in R&D. Planning to establish a manufacturing UNIT with cGMP facility at Pharma Cluster at Hyderabad, to meet the export demand.

Our Branches
Like branches in a tree, we all spread in different locations and directions, yet our roots remain as one.
Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you. Here's how you can reach us...
Our Address
Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Shed No.22, Plot No.84, Phase – 1, IDA Cherlapally, Hyderabad, Rangareddi, TS - 500051
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